Welcome to Kern City Civic Association

An Active Senior Homeowner’s Association in Bakersfield, CA

COVID restrictions have been lifted!  People who visit our facilities are attesting that they will not hold Kern City liable or responsible if they become ill.  People who wish to wear masks are absolutely welcome to wear them.

Please check out our web pages and see for yourself what we have to offer the residents in our 1,024 properties. We have a mix of condos and homes that meet the needs of just about every senior (age 55+). Many of our properties border a privately owned golf course. We are also located between four main streets and near important shopping areas.

The facilities in our common area offer many amenities for all interests. We have an 80,000-gallon swimming pool, a woodshop, sewing room, art room, exercise room, and pool room. We also boast an outstanding library with computers, a meeting room and a large screen TV. Our beautiful Town Hall and conference room are also available for use.

We have an active Social Club and ongoing activities, including senior exercise, quilting, writing group, veterans group, potluck, singing and karaoke, bunco, several card games and more. The Kern City Community Church also meets in our Town Hall on Sunday mornings and offers a mid-week Bible Study.

In addition, we publish a monthly newspaper and local directory for our residents.

I hope you enjoy your visit to our website, and we look forward to seeing you in person.

Joe Newton

President, KCCA Board of Directors